For guests with severe food allergies, please visit guest services upon entering the park to receive proper documentation to help you stay safe while eating at the resort. If you would like to request this ahead of time, email
This Documentation Includes
An optional pin for guest to wear that will alert service crew of the guest's food allergy
A select menu of allergen free items for each restaurant in the park
A map of emergency medical services located within the park incase guest requires medical attention
Ordering Procedure
For guests with severe food allergies, check the Allergen-Free Menu provided at guest services for options at the restaurant you are visiting. Order one or more of these items through a crew member and then pay for your meal at the registers. Upon finishing payment, you will be required to sign your name, meal ordered, and time of purchase on our record sheet at the register.
Your purchase does not have to be limited to allergen-free items, however, only allergen-free items purchased should be marked on the record sheet.
Globe-City Resort Highland is not responsible for guest injury due to allergic reaction
Guests with Wheelchairs or Prosthetics
Guests with Hearing Disabilites
Guests with Vision Disabilities
Guests visiting with Service Animals
Trained Service Animals are welcome to the Globe-City Resort Highland. Animals who do not meet the definition of a Service Animal will not be permitted in the park. Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
To help you make an informed decision about your service animal’s safety, each attraction has specific entry and boarding requirements, as well as portable kennels at certain attractions. Relief areas for your service animal are also available at select locations throughout the parks. For more information, please speak with an attendant or see the Resort Safety Guidelines.
MDA Care Centers
In accordance with Minecraftia legislation, The Globe City Resort Highland is equipped with MDA Care Centers in both City-Shop and Adventure Park. Each care center is equipped with cold water fountains, comfortable seating, and quiet spaces for guests with autism and other processing disorders to relax and take a break from the noise. MDA care centers can be found using the park map, the GC RESORT mobile app, or by asking a cast member. MDA Care Centers are available to guests with registered disabilities only, general guests cannot use MDA Care Centers.
Guests may also purchase VIP Silver or Deluxe admission to gain access to VIP Lounges which also offer a quiet space for guests to take a break.
For more information on MDA Care Centers and our amenities for guests with disabilities, feel free to contact our MDA service desk at or by calling (312) 872 5564